St. Anthony of Padua Church presents the surprise box office hit, “Alive: The Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist” in the Parish Hall on Thursday March 30, 7pm.
Annual Lenten Parish Mission/Retreat
St. Anthony of Padua Church will be having their Annual Lenten Parish Mission/Retreat with Dominican Father Brian Mullady, OP, on March 19-23, 2023. The schedule is as follows.
Rite of Continuing Conversion
The Rite of Continuing Conversion was celebrated at the Cathedral on March 5 at 6pm. We have 22 adults who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and 6 who will receive the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist on June 4. The catechists for these adults are Maria Violeta Mendoza and Nely Go.
Kenia, our new Religious Education secretary and husband Andres are both being confirmed on June 4th at 5:30pm along with our 75 high students and 5 from St. Francis Korean Church.
First Reconciliation
Monsignor Pilato speaks with our students before their First Reconciliation on Saturday, February 25th.
Our First Reconciliation students created Good Shepherd posters with student lambs which they glued on after coming back from their first confessions on February 23rd and 25th. In the pictures with the children are catechists Marisa Villalobos (Saturday) and Sephora Ancajima (Thursday).
Jorge Lupercio’s 4 and 5th grade Thursday class also created posters. A reception was held after the celebration of First Reconciliations.
Rite of Election
Rite of Election was celebrated on February 19th for the 11 children and one adult from St. Anthony who will receive the 3 sacraments of Initiation. Lan and Thomas are the catechists (sister and brother) for the 11 children every Sunday from 12:30-1:30pm.
The St. Anthony of Padua Church schedule for English and Spanish masses for Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2023, is as follows:
English Masses:
- 6:30am English Mass
- 8:00am English School Mass
- 12:00pm English Mass
- 5:30pm English Mass
Misas y Servicios en Español
- 7:00pm Misa
- 8:30pm Liturgia de la Palabra
Religious Ed: Christmas Eve Children’s Mass
Our children performed a short skit at the 5:30pm children’s mass yesterday. Amy Palanca, a catechist, and 2 children, Ania and Pio, did a great job in proclamation as lectors.
Christmas And New Year’s Day Mass Schedule
The Mass schedule for Christmas and New Year’s Day is as follows. Please read our parish bulletin for additional information.
Religious Ed: Students Make Nativity Scenes
Our creative 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders in the Religious Education class of Marisa Villalobos make beautiful nativity scenes.
Religious Ed: Celebrating Christ the King and Thanksgiving
Our Religious Education classes celebrate Christ the King and Thanksgiving.
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